Quality Control
In addition to ISO Certification, HP&C is one of the few plating and coating companies in the Houston-area that employs a Level III NACE Certified Coating Inspector on staff as well as other NACE certified inspectors at both locations. NACE certified inspectors, for instance, are required for NORSOK epoxy coating applications. HP&C meets a wide variety of industry specifications.
To review Houston Plating’s ISO certification, click this link:

Houston Plating & Coatings
P.O. Box 418 1301 Georgia
South Houston, TX 77587-0418
Phone: (800) 946-0172 • (713) 946-8920
Fax: (713) 946-8487

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Houston Plating & Coatings
P.O. Box 418 1301 Georgia
South Houston, TX 77587-0418
Phone: (800) 946-0172 • (713) 946-8920
Fax: (713) 946-8487
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