Salt Bath NitridingSBN/QPQSM (salt bath nitriding), or Quench-Polish-Quench, is particularly important to oil field equipment and other manufacturers whose parts are subject to high levels of wear, friction, or erosion. The salt bath nitriding process provides excellent wear protection without adding any dimensionality to the piece. Salt bath nitriding is an effective and environmentally acceptable alternative to chrome and can be processed in a fraction of the time (days instead of weeks).
Salt Bath NitridingSBN/QPQSM (salt bath nitriding), or Quench-Polish-Quench, is particularly important to oil field equipment and other manufacturers whose parts are subject to high levels of wear, friction, or erosion. The outer layer of a steel part treated with the SBN/QPQSM process is significantly harder than its core, and thus provides excellent wear protection. SBN/QPQSM is an effective and environmentally acceptable alternative to chrome and can be processed in a fraction of the time (days instead of weeks).

SBN/QPQSM also known as salt bath nitriding or Quench-Polish-Quench, is a diffusion process that provides distortion-free dimensional stability while hardening the surface of the part (up to three times the strength of carbon steel) thereby producing superior wear resistance, improved fatigue strength, and surface lubricity. Unlike a plating or a coating, salt bath nitriding adds virtually no dimensions to the part and there is nothing to chip or flake off.
The term “QPQSM” or Quench-Polish-Quench, is based on a sequence of process events that occur directly following the nitrocarburizing cycle that includes a Quench (the nitrocarburizing bath is typically 1075 degrees F) followed by a Polish, then followed by an additional Quench step that produces a layer of iron nitride which adds an additional element of corrosion protection. The SBN/QPQ process produces a cosmetically appealing, matte black finish.

SBN/QPQSM is a diffusion process that provides distortion-free dimensional stability while hardening the surface of the part (up to three times the strength of carbon steel) thereby producing superior wear resistance, improved fatigue strength, and surface lubricity. Unlike a plating or a coating, salt bath nitriding adds virtually no dimensions to the part and there is nothing to chip or flake off.
The term “QPQSM,” or Quench-Polish-Quench is based on a sequence of process events that occur directly following the nitrocarburizing cycle that included a Quench (the nitrocarburizing bath is typically 1075 degrees F) followed by a Polish, then followed by an additional Quench step that produces a layer of iron nitride which adds an element of corrosion protection. The SBN/QPQSM process produces a cosmetically appealing, matte black finish.
HP&C further enhanced its capabilities with the addition of a separate SBN/QPQSM service line at its Humble plant, tripling its overall salt bath nitriding capacity. HP&C now has the largest SBN/QPQSM capacity of any company in the country. Companies from as far away as Canada utilize HP&C for salt bath nitriding processing because it enables them to have their parts processed in days rather than weeks, thereby maintaining production schedules notwithstanding the additional transportation time, if any. Custom conveyor companies are discovering the benefits of having conveyor rollers processed with SBN/QPQSM which dramatically extends the life of their systems.
For additional information on our Electroless Nickel plating, SBN/QPQSM, Phosphate, Spray or other coatings services, please contact your Houston Plating & Coatings sales representative at 713.946.8920.
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Houston Plating & Coatings
P.O. Box 418 1301 Georgia
South Houston, TX 77587-0418
Phone: (800) 946-0172 • (713) 946-8920
Fax: (713) 946-8487

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Houston Plating & Coatings
P.O. Box 418 1301 Georgia
South Houston, TX 77587-0418
Phone: (800) 946-0172 • (713) 946-8920
Fax: (713) 946-8487
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