ToolsGood tools are literally worth their weight in gold, But, through extended and heavy duty use, even the best tools can become distressed to the point that their declining utility drives the question of replacing them.
However, with inflation driving up the cost of production tools of all types, many companies are realizing the benefits of refurbishing their current tool sets.
ToolsGood tools are literally worth their weight in gold, But, through extended and heavy duty use, even the best tools can become distressed to the point that their declining utility drives the question of replacing them.
However, with inflation driving up the cost of production tools of all types, many companies are realizing the benefits of refurbishing their current tool sets.

Tool Before & After Baking, Sand Blasting and EN Plating

Tool Before & After Baking, Sand Blasting and QPQ
Houston Plating & Coatings offers two types of finishing services – Electroless Nickel (EN) and Salt Bath Nitriding (SBN/QPQ) – that can refurbish distressed tools, bringing them back to and extending their useful life.
EN plating is a chemically applied uniform protective coating that provides superior resistance to corrosion that significantly increases the life of carbon and stainless steel parts. SBN/QPQ (salt bath nitriding), or Quench-Polish-Quench, is particularly important to oil field equipment and other manufacturers whose parts are subject to high levels of wear, friction, or erosion. The salt bath nitriding process provides excellent wear protection without adding any dimensionality to the piece.
If your company is facing significant tool replacement costs, find out how those tools can be refurbished utilizing EN or QPQ at significant savings over replacement by contacting your HP&C salesman or calling 800.946.0172 to learn more.
Houston Plating & Coatings
P.O. Box 418 1301 Georgia
South Houston, TX 77587-0418
Phone: (800) 946-0172 • (713) 946-8920
Fax: (713) 946-8487

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Houston Plating & Coatings
P.O. Box 418 1301 Georgia
South Houston, TX 77587-0418
Phone: (800) 946-0172 • (713) 946-8920
Fax: (713) 946-8487
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